Like it or not, you need to negotiate in life. You might need to negotiate your salary, the selling of your property, or the buying of an item. In any case, knowing how to negotiate is useful. Here I’d like…
I like video games. That doesn’t mean that I play them, however (many games take too much time these days). But I do keep myself updated with the world of gaming. From watching the trends, I notice two things:
About ten years ago today, I left my day job. I was a full-time lecturer, but in early 2009 I decided to go full-time with my online business (which I built since 2006). I still teach part-time even today, but…
Do you want to reach your full potential? To do so, you need to make the most of every opportunity. The fact is, you have many opportunities in life. In fact, you have them daily. The question is whether you…
I recently read a story in Blood, Sweat, and Pixels about the making of Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley is a popular video game that was released in 2016. What’s remarkable about the game is that it was developed by just…
To live a full life, there is an important principle you need to remember. The principle is staying balanced. Violating this principle will only lead you to misery. There are five aspects of life that you need to keep balanced:
If you want to reach your full potential, you need to level up your life. You need to take your life to the next level. And you need to do that constantly. I know this is easier said than done,…
Whether you realize it or not, you have talents. The question is: have you made the most of them? This thought came to me after looking at my own situation. I realized that I haven’t made the most of my…
Do you want to be productive? What about achieving peak productivity? The fact is, there is a difference between being merely productive and having peak productivity. If you have peak productivity, your output will increase multiple folds. You will be…
To reach your full potential, you should live like an athlete. I came to this conclusion after observing my own life and the life of others. You see, there is a gap between where we are and where we could…