Positive Blog Network and Full Feed

I have a news: this blog is now part of Positive Blog Network. You can see the other members of the network at the sidebar under the heading Positive Blog Network. This network is initiated by John Wesley from Pick the Brain and currently consists of Cultivate Greatness, Sales Motivation, Talent Development Resources, Change Your Thoughts, Pick the Brain, Life Optimizer, Personal Growth & Success, Genius Types and Wise Bread.

And one more thing. I’ve now changed this site’s feed from partial to full. It means that you can now enjoy the full content of new writings directly inside your feed reader or email client.

Merry Christmas :).


  1. Donald

    Hope you had a great Christmas. Thanks for the link. I am sure this network is going to be a great success and I am glad you are part of it. Strange that one of your posts was star post of the week a few weeks back.

  2. I am glad that you are part of the network! Keep up the good work.

  3. I want to be in some blog network too.But have no ideas how to?

    Any guidance

  4. Ashish

    There is a good article about blog network written by Darren Rowse. In that article, there is also a link to Blog Network List. Maybe you can get information about blog networks which are suitable for you from that list.

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