Why You Should Plan Your Life on a Decade Level

How should we plan our lives? How should we go about it? Well, I believe there is a good principle here to remember:

People tend to overestimate what can be done in one year and underestimate what can be done in ten.

This statement might seem simple but it deserves further consideration. There are two things implied in the statement:

  • You might aim too high this year. In that case, you might not be able to achieve it which could lead to disappointment.
  • On the other hand, you might aim too low for the decade. That would be a waste of your potential.

The implication here is that decade-level planning is better than year-level planning. Decade-level planning helps you avoid the mistakes above.

Year-level planning has some disadvantages:

  • You wouldn’t dream big enough. Big goals take years to achieve. If you give yourself just one year, your dreams would be average.
  • You wouldn’t see the way to your dreams. You might have big dreams but you don’t see how to get there. Why? Because every road to a big goal takes years.
  • You could get distracted easily. A shiny new thing could distract you along the way because it seems to give you the best result in one year. However, it may not give you the best result in ten. A decade-level view helps you see what is truly good for you in the long-term. You won’t get distracted easily.
  • You could get discouraged by setbacks. With a year-level view, a setback could discourage you. Why? Because you wouldn’t have enough time to recover. But with a decade-level view, you will see that it’s just a small thing. It’s just one step in the overall process.
  • You wouldn’t build momentum. Momentum requires focused intensity over time. By planning your life on a year level, there isn’t much continuity from one year to the next. There isn’t enough time to build momentum.

Accordingly, decade-level planning has these advantages:

  • You would dream big.
  • You would see how to make your dreams happen.
  • You would stay on track.
  • You would stay motivated despite setbacks.
  • You would build momentum.

Now, I must say that I’m still learning to do this myself. When I looked back at my life in the past decade, I realized that I made the mistakes of year-level planning. Going forward, I’d like to plan my life on a decade level.

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. I like the idea of long term, but doing so may also cause missing out on detours and possible life changing opportunities along the way. We obviously cannot plan long term with our typical microscopic view. It’s the journey that matters as they say.
    Also more importantly, decade and year etc are artificial time boundaries and shouldn’t dictate more tangible context based milestones. For example middle school years, high school years, college years, first few years on job, next few and so on.

    • I agree that we need to be flexible along the way, but I believe we also need to have a clear direction. In Jeff Bezos’s words, we need to be stubborn on vision but flexible on details. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great advise again Donald but for me is your past blog consisting of

    “HOW TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE:6 SIMPLE TIPS”. It’s been giving me the same results and then some per advancing my career and following my niche in life.

    Keep up the good support,


  3. Excellent advice Donald! Don’t you think you could do short, mid and long term goals as well? I did that several years ago and it’s still a work in progress for the most part. I’ve read 2 books on this where you assign deadlines so it’s not just a wish but something to strive toward. I have seen success using this method. But yes, def 10 year goal to dream big!! Thanks!

  4. Oghenetega Agofure
    Oghenetega Agofure

    Planning for a year and for a decade are both crucial.

    The yearly plan helps you gather momentum for the big Mo planned for the decade.

    Little things over time makes something big. So, lemme just say; plan at the decade level and break it down into the year, month, week and day level… Because both are crucial.

  5. What do think, you asked me… Well, as for me each day comes with new challenges and great wins. Am always super exited about life living each day that passes. Time in time out am learning glowing and improving.

    The goals I set for my self super motivate me always; and one thing that I have learned is the principle of FLEXIBILITY. Because being flexible gives me allowances to think objectively for success is journey not a destination. Donald, whether it is decade or yearly level planning our challenges and [wins / lucky breaks] define US all in life.

    • Flexibility is indeed important, as long as we are still in the right direction. In Jeff Bezos’s words, “Be stubborn on vision. Be flexible on details.” Thanks for sharing!

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