I love to learn from great people and get inspired by their stories. Among them, Theodore Roosevelt (TR) is a favorite of mine. His story never ceases to inspire me.
Here I’d like to give you the reasons why I find TR inspiring. After reading them, I think you will agree with me that he is a great model to learn from.
Without further ado, here are five reasons why TR is inspiring.
1. His achievements are extraordinary.
The list of TR’s achievements is almost unbelievable. He is the youngest ever U.S. president, the winner of Nobel Peace Prize, and a recipient of the Medal of Honor. He also authored more than 30 books despite his busy schedule. He even had time to become America’s first brown belt in judo!
Franklin Roosevelt, his cousin who later became U.S. President, said that TR “was the greatest man I ever knew.”
2. He excelled in all five aspects of life.
There are five aspects of life. While many people excel in just one or two, TR excelled in all five. In fact, I have yet to find another person who excels in all five aspects.
Let’s see how TR did in each:
- Working: The list of achievements above says it all. There is no doubt about it.
- Learning: He read three books a day while he was in the White House. Many people can’t read three books a month.
- Physical: As mentioned above, he had a brown belt in judo. He was also a boxer. He thrived in physical activities.
- Social: He was very good at connecting with people. In fact, he became an example in the popular book How to Win Friends and Influence People.
- Spiritual: He maintained his integrity throughout his career. He was also a devout Christian: a Bible was found under his pillow upon his death.
3. He thrived in both “extrovert” and “introvert” activities.
Normally, people thrive in just one kind of activities that matches their personalities, either extrovert or introvert. But TR excelled in both kinds of activities.
He excelled in getting along with people, an “extrovert” activity. But he also excelled in writing, an “introvert” activity. Again, it’s difficult to find someone who excels in both.
4. He was a great learner.
TR was a curious person. He read books in different fields. He also had a photographic memory. He often cited passages from books that he hadn’t seen for years.
I think the main reason for this ability was his focus. While he was reading, he couldn’t even hear his name being called. He was totally immersed in the book.
5. He excelled in energy management.
An important factor behind TR’s achievements is his energy. His energy was so abundant that he was called “steam engines in trousers”. This abundance of energy allowed him to do things with focus and enthusiasm.
This is remarkable because he was physically weak as a child. He got sick often. But one day his dad challenged him to make his body, and he did. He began exercising intensely, and over time became the energetic person he was.
These are the reasons why I find TR’s life inspiring.
Any thoughts? Comments here.
I never thought of all the measures of life and enjoyed reading your article about TR.
Thanks, Betty!
Hello Donald, thank you for this post, I really enjoyed it. I know of TR’s famous quote about courage (which is Maya Angelou’s favourite virtue 🙂 she is another person who has greatly inspired me) I look forward to your next posts/insights regarding TR. May the Peace of the season fill your heart and mind Donald. Merry Christmas …….here is the quote: “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
That’s a great quote, Jackie. Thanks for sharing it! And Merry Christmas to you too 🙂
Great sharing, Mas Donald!
Merry Christmas for you!
Thanks, Ditto!
Hi Donals, thanks for the post. I shall definitely try to read more on TR.Thanks..any books on him u can suggest?
Hi Suresh, a book that I recommend is The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. It’s a Pulitzer-winning book that I really enjoyed. I learned a lot from it.
Am sure you have read Nepoleon Hill books…He talks about stumbling upon Infinite Intelligence…
The beautiful state of mind.
I love his books, as i can connect with him..
I haven’t read them though I’ve heard a lot about them. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Donald !
I just read your article on TR and though he was amazing , you aren’t so bad yourself .
I can’t keep up with you . I suffer from fatigue & sloth . I have been fighting it for
decades , but no go . After a few days of pushing the energy & enthusiasm go in reverse.
Years ago I read a biography by Eleanor Roosevelt & she was also a great reader full
of energy & common sense . We are all different and some people are the direct
opposite of others . Take beauty & ugly for instance : Some uglies cannot be fixed .
I still get excited when I read certain stories . I am happy for you because of your
energy and forward momentum . Sometimes when I feel depressed I will read one
of your articles and get a jolt .
Even though you always answer my comments , please don’t answer this one due to
the shame I feel and nothing can be done about it anyway .
Carry-On !!