Networking Can Get You A Job Promotion

Note: This is a guest post by Andrew Rondeau of Great Management
As an employee, we all want that job promotion, don’t we?
So let’s just say, you are ready to get promotion.
You do your job exceptionally well.
You know the organization extremely well.
You have increased your accountabilities.
Get job promotionYour boss believes you are ready.
You have the confidence and you just cannot wait to get started.
But…it turns out we can’t get that job promotion alone.
Aside from the fact that it is the boss and normally several of their colleagues who approve or decline your job promotion, you also have to consider the opinions of your co-workers.
I have attended numerous ‘Job Promotion Panels’ and someone who is influential and deemed respectful, only has to say a negative comment about you (the person up for promotion) and your chances of getting promotion are easily scuppered.
And the comments can be so insignificant:
“I was in a meeting with them once and they didn’t say a word, not one word”
“They were 5 minutes late for the meeting with the Finance Director, last week – it didn’t go down too well”
“Wasn’t his last project late?”
You may be ready but those influential, respected individuals also need to believe you are ready.
They can help or scupper your chances of job promotion.
So what can you do?
Through networking, you may be a step closer to that desired job promotion.
One should never underestimate the power of influence gained through networking.
Whether you are a newbie to networking or not, think, “My goal is going to be to establish, say five meaningful connections.”
Your goal is not to gather contacts; your goal is to develop connections with people.
Influential and respected individuals.
So start by finding out who are the influential and respected individuals within your department.
Who are the ones who are listened to and their ideas are taken forward?
Any of your peers?
Any of your bosses peers?
Got your list? Great.
Now what?
Simply invite them to have a coffee and let them do most of the talking – at least 80%.
Just ask “What are you working on?” or “Do you need some help on something…”
People love sharing their advice.
Get them started and keep asking follow up questions.
Then a simple technique which always works…
However, before I mention it…so many people are focused on, “What’s in it for me?” instead of “What’s in it for others?”
You should be thinking, “How can I help others get what they want?”
Give first…offer help.
That’s the simple technique, which always works.
Chances are they are overworked and anything you can do to help would be gratefully received.
I’m not talking about taking over their project or task but it might be something simple they just don’t have time to do.
Offer that help, agree you will do something, jot it down and then follow it through. I know that there is the conventional wisdom that life is 90 percent about showing up, and that’s just not true.
Life is 90 percent about following through.
If you want to scupper your chances of job promotion forever, don’t follow through on your agreed help.
And that’s it. Simple.
Now once you deliver and have more discussions, you can start dropping into the conversation what you are up to. What successes you have had, what your strengths are.
This builds up your credibility extremely fast.
You can use this to your advantage. By becoming a model employee, you will not have a hard time convincing the network that you are worthy of the promotion.
Then when your name gets mentioned at the “Promotion Panel” those influencers will be convinced you are the best person for the role because they know you and you always deliver.
We all want a job promotion. Networking can get you one.
Just make sure that you deserve the good word that your network will pitch in for the “Job Promotion Panel” to hear.
Now go and get promotion.
Andrew Rondeau transformed himself from a $4 an-hour petrol-pump attendant to a highly successful Senior Manager earning $500k every year. Discover how to maximize your income and minimize your effort by receiving Andrew’s free e-course and report on
Photo by A.


  1. A personal story, years ago when I was in college I was a teaching assistant in the computer science department. I used to talk to everyone there, professors, people working in the department office, etc.
    Recently I applied for a job on Maui, and after my interviews I was offered the position – and took it. I later learned that one of my coworkers was the girl that used to work in the department office. When they showed her my resume and asked for her opinion of me, she recommended me highly, saying she remembered me from college.
    I had spent all that time networking with professors, other assistants, professionals giving presentations – but it was my interactions with her that paid off in this particular case. Not out of selfishness – just normal, everyday networking.
    You never know where your future success will come from, pays to network with everyone =)

  2. Great points. Networking is more important than I ever expected.

  3. Jade,
    You are right! What network experience do you have? Any great stories to share?
    Great story. Sounds like your hard work paid off! Excellent.
    Donald, thanks for posting my article.

  4. It’s my pleasure, Andrew 🙂

  5. […] Networking Can Get You A Job Promotion by Andrew Rondeau of Great Management […]

  6. […] Networking Can Get You A Job Promotion […]

  7. reading this article makes me sick.
    you are an individual and your life and your success does not depend on what your manager thinks about you or your peers think about your work.
    you are you and that job promotion can go to hell if u have to change or declne your true self just to get there.
    dont let them change you
    or even rearrage you
    bob marley
    at the end of the day when u retire or when you are on your death bed you will realise that that the onnly person you had to give answers to was YOU
    now listen to frank sinatras my way

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