In March Life Optimizer was honored to be included in the Lifehacks page of Alltop with many big blogs like Lifehacker, Dumb Little Man, and Alltop is a service that aggregates content from top sites in multiple topics. It helps you see the newest content in topics like career, humor, music, and many others.
Now, let’s see in details what happened here last month.
Best Posts
There were 13 posts published in March. The two most visited ones were:
- 14 Awfully Simple Things to Be Grateful for in Your Daily Life
- A Simple Guide to Finding Opportunities
In addition, here are two more favorite posts of mine:
You can read the other posts on the archives page.
Best Comments
I learn a lot from your comments. Here are the comments I found to be the most insightful (in no particular order):
- Steve Olson on How to Find Good Ideas for Business and Life
- Michael Greer on 6 Low-Intensity Moments for Audio Learning
- Craig Harper on 8 Proven Steps to Winning Life’s Unfair Games
- Dr. Rick Kirschner on 8 Proven Steps to Winning Life’s Unfair Games
- Mary Jaksch on Finding Happiness: 20 Ways to Achieve Happiness in Life
For Steve, Michael, Craig, Rick, and Mary: thanks!
One Year Before
One year before – in March 2007 – the most visited post was 66 Best Quotes on Time Management.