A few months after releasing his first e-book, Leo Babauta from Zen Habits released his second e-book entitled Zen Habits Handbook for Life: Hundreds of Tips for Simplicity, Happiness, Productivity. I received a review copy in my inbox in the morning and read it on the evening after I came back from work.
This 76-page e-book is a compilation of the best posts on Zen Habits. Instead of locating them one by one, these best posts are now packaged in a convenient PDF format with proper classification that makes it easier for you to connect one article to another.
The e-book consists of three parts: Simplicity, Productivity, and Happiness, with several articles in each part. Here is the table of contents:
Section 1: Simplicity
- Decluttering
- Single-tasking
- Edit Your Commitments
- Eliminate All But the Essentials
- Don’t Do Everything on Your To-do List
- The Art of Doing Nothing
- Declutter Your Mind
- 72 Simplicity Tips
- Eat Slower
Section 2: Productivity
- Purpose Your Day: Most Important Tasks
- Focus on the Big Rocks
- Clear Out Your Inbox
- Clear Your Desk
- Become an Early Riser
- Become Motivated When You’re in a Slump
- Make the Most of Your Laziest Days
- Decompress After High Stress
Section 3: Happiness
- Cultivate Compassion in Your Life
- Escape Materialism
- Practical Tips for Living the Golden Rule
- Accept Criticism With Grace and Appreciation
- Have Faith in Humanity, and Restore Kindness
- Boost Your Self-Confidence
- Live Your Life Consciously
As you can see, the e-book covers various topics related to living life to the fullest. Reading it is a pleasure and gives me a lot of ideas to improve my life. For instance, I love the idea of acting as a newspaper editor: try to leave only the minimum and delete everything else to simplify our life. There are still many other ideas I get.
The e-book is priced at only $ 6.95 which is even cheaper than the first e-book (Zen To Done: The Ultimate Productivity System which is priced at $9.50). Considering the value you’ll get, it’s well worth it. You can buy the e-book here.
Already? I’m guessing you consumed it super fast with pleasure.
Good review. 🙂
You guessed right 🙂 I’m sure you will also enjoy the book.
[…] when we look at all there is to do, it can seem and is overwhelming. But if we chunk it down into smaller tasks the world starts to look a lot brighter. Try this 4S […]