In this blog, I often write about the good books I find. Two examples are 106 Tips to Become a Master Connector (for Never Eat Alone), and 63 Life-Changing Quotes on Lifestyle Design (for The 4-Hour Work Week). I recently registered with Amazon Associates program, so you can support this blog by buying the books through the links in the posts.
Meanwhile, here are some interesting links I found since the last link post:
- Stuff by Paul Graham
We tend to accumulate more and more stuff, but every thing you own actually takes energy away from you. So before you buy anything, ask yourself: will this be something I use constantly? - 46 Must-Read Productivity Tips for Freelancers by Leo Babauta
Though written for freelancers, this article gives a lot of productivity tips for all of us. The tips are collected from around the blogosphere, and you can read the original articles for more information. - How to Read 70+ Books in a Year by Scott H Young
Reading is an essential part of learning, and this article gives you some practical tips on how to read more books. My favorite tip: fill gap time with reading. - 21 Ways to Add More Hours to the Day by Scott H Young
Do you think you need more time to get you tasks done? Then this article gives you 21 ways to do so grouped into three essential steps: 1. Remove big chunks 2. Reclaim gap time 3.Triage. - 20 Most Popular Health Websites by eBizMBA
I’m not so familiar with health websites, so I didn’t know which are the best ones. This article gives the answer (assuming that “most popular” equals to “best”). I hope it’s useful for you too. - Education 2.0: Prepare for a Career That Works by Penelope Trunk
It’s always fascinating to see how the future would be like. This article shows you what might be popular careers in the future and how to prepare for them. - 5 Ways to Develop Independent Thought by Tom O’Leary.
The way we think greatly affects our life. Unfortunately, we are far too often bound by the conventional wisdom which is a great obstacle for progress. So we need to develop independent thought. - 10 Ways to Instantly Build Self Confidence by John Wesley
There are some simple things we can do to build self confidence. Here are three of them: dress sharp, sit in the front row, and speak up. - 16 Ways to Eat Healthy While Keeping it Cheap by J.D. Roth
I always like to read practical tips on being healthy, especially if they do not cost much. This article does just that. Some of the tips: switch to water, eat eggs, buy frozen veggies, and don’t buy junk food.
[…] Links for 12 August 2007Reading is an essential part of learning, and this article gives you some practical tips on how to read more books. My favorite tip: fill gap time with reading. 21 Ways to Add More Hours to the Day by Scott H Young … […]