Scott H Young, a fellow PBN blogger, recently published an e-book entitled How to Change a Habit. As you know, daily habits are very important; in fact, it makes the difference between winners and losers. This e-book comprehensively covers the ins and outs of installing and uninstalling habits and is very enlightening for me. It’s an expansion of Scott’s popular Habitual Mastery series. Don’t forget to also check his free e-book on holistic learning.
In addition, there are some interesting links I found recently which I think would be useful to you. Here they are:
- The Getting Things Done (GTD) FAQ by Leo Babauta
GTD is a very popular concept, but there are a lot of questions in implementing it. This article gives you a one-stop solution for all the common questions in implementing GTD. A thoughtful read for new and veteran GTDers alike. - The Secret to Creativity by John Wesley
Creativity is becoming more and more important in this information age. It is creativity that set you apart from the rest and prevent you from being commodity. This article gives you the secret to creativity. My favorite quote: The most creative people imitate rarer, more brilliant sources and cover their tracks. - Your Guide to Never Feeling Tired Again by Nancy Jones
Feeling tired? Get 22 tips to tackle it in this article. From the page: “Every day, 2.2 million Americans complain of being tired. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it in, especially during extra-busy periods. But often the true culprits are our everyday habits: what we eat, how we sleep, and how we cope emotionally.” - How Not To Suck At Socializing – Do’s & Don’ts by Craig Childs
Who you know is just as important as what you know, so socializing is a skill we all need to master. This article gives you 10 do’s and 6 don’ts. Here is one: Initiate conversation … When you feel more comfortable doing this, you’ll find yourself meeting more and more interesting people and gaining fruitful friendships. - 30 Free eBooks To Learn Everything You Want to Know About Personal Finance by
There are a lot of good books on personal finance, but almost none of them is free. So it’s great to see a list of free personal finance e-books in one place, ready to be downloaded and read. - 14 Ways to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit by Leo Babauta
Reading habit is one of the most important habits you should have. It gives you the knowledge you need to thrive in the information age. This article gives you practical ways to cultivate reading habit. Here is one: Reduce television/Internet … every minute you reduce of Internet/TV, you could use for reading.
Thanks for the plug! I appreciate it.
You’re very welcome, Scott. Keep up the good work!
[…] There are so many interesting links I found since the last link post that my initial list for this post had no less than 24 links! But 24 articles is a bit too many for effective reading, so I trimmed it down to 10. Without further ado, here they are: […]