In the spirit of my post 5 Reasons Why Doing What You Love Can Optimize Your Life, I’d like to touch on a source of inspiration for me on “doing what you love”. It’s the Steve Jobs’ commencement address at Stanford back in June 12, 2005. In that address, he talked about life lessons he has learned which he divided into three parts: connecting the dots, love and loss, and death.
He talked about how doing what he loves has kept him strong in the time of trouble (he was fired from Apple – his own baby – in 1985). Doing what he loves has made him keep moving. That time, instead of being depressed by the situation, he founded two famous companies, NeXT Computer and Pixar. He kept pursuing his passion no matter how the situation was. In the speech, he said that life is too short to live someone else’s life. You should find what you love and follow your heart.
The speech – though only about 15 minutes – is also full of other life lessons. One example is his closing phrase, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Don’t be satisfied with what you get so far. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
I was very excited the first time I read the address. And I’m still excited when I watched the video recently. It has inspired me so much. I hope it will do the same to you.
Video of Steve Jobs’ commencement address
Text of Steve Jobs’ commencement address
Technorati Tags: motivation, success, attitude
[…] Steve Jobs on Doing What You Love – I’ve never owned a Mac but I love Steve Jobs just the same. He is a very cool man. […]
it is good to see that the steve jobs commencement speech still has legs….it does have a lot of wisdom! 🙂
Yes it is, Jim. I really love it. It’s like the lessons of life compressed to only 15 minutes.
Stary hungry is the best advice in the world.