If you want to reach your full potential, you need to level up your life. You need to take your life to the next level. And you need to do that constantly. I know this is easier said than done,…
We all have questions that require answers. We all have problems that require solutions. But how can we find the answers and solutions we need? I believe that there is an effective way to do that. It might not be…
Reaching your full potential requires you to have the right role models. Without them, it will be difficult for you to become all that you can be. But with the right role models, you will be on your way to…
In reaching your full potential, your decision-making ability plays an important role. After all, your life is just the outcome of your decisions. So the better you are at making decisions, the better your life will be.
Few people think more than two or three times a year. I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. ~ George Bernard Shaw Do you want to take your life to the next…
I like to learn from top performers. I like to observe how they achieve their level of performance. From my observation, there is one characteristic that I notice again and again. It seems to be a common thread among them.…
A while back, I wrote about the mindset for overcoming a fear of failure. The mindset says that the regret of failing is less than the regret of not trying. Now I’d like to introduce you to a mindset that…
Do you want to live your life to the fullest? If you do, then there is a big obstacle that you need to overcome. That obstacle is fear, and among the different kinds of fear, a major one is a…
Note: This post is written by Martin Hrnjak “Painkillers might ease symptoms temporarily, but unless treated from the core the problem will keep returning.” How often in life do we hide from whatever is bothering us? Maybe we are irritated…
If you want to succeed in life, there is an important mindset you need to have. Without it, it’s unlikely that you will make much progress. But with it, you can have a breakthrough. The mindset is this: