Who doesn’t want to have a sharp mind? Having a sharp mind is something we all want. I recently read a thought-provoking article about it entitled Cognitive Fitness in Harvard Business Review. The article talks about how the minds of…
Note: This is a guest post by Albert Foong from UrbanMonk.Net. What is the biggest obstacle most people face in achieving personal mastery? Your mind; your thoughts. When you master your mind, everything else begins to fall into place. But…
What do you have in mind when you hear the word “prosperity’? Many people associate it with being wealthy, and there is nothing wrong with that. But I believe prosperity is more than just being wealthy. Recently, I found a…
The key to living your life to the fullest is balance. How can you live your life to the fullest if one or more areas of your life suffer? For example, maybe you are successful in your career. But will…
I’m interested to Stephen Covey’s concept of 4 intelligences in his book The 8th Habit. While there are other concepts on multiple intelligence such as Howard Gardner’s, Covey’s concept is interesting for me because it deals with all four parts…
While I talked about life optimization in this blog, there is something I miss: physical health. I usually just talked about learning, thinking, time management, and things like that. All those things are important of course, but still we do…