Ask the Readers: What Lessons Did You Learn in 2022?

Here we are near the end of 2022. Soon we will enter the year 2023. I think it’s a good time to reflect on what we have learned this year so that we can start the new year strong.

For me, a lesson I learned is the importance of taking risks to make progress in life. I already learned about this years ago, but this year I have a heightened awareness of its importance.

What about you? What lessons did you learn in 2022?

Please share your answer in the comments so that everyone can read it. Thanks!



  2. 2022 taught me an important lesson on gratefulness, to be grateful in all circumstances

  3. Donald Latumahina
    Donald Latumahina

    Thanks for sharing, Happy New Year!

  4. To have more balance in life, and not just work 24/7. Find other hobbies to keep yourself busy and you will become more creative in your work and your life. You will also be less stressed 🙂 Happy 2023 Donald.

  5. This year taught me to take action. Don’t wait to be ready or for the perfect opportunity. Take action as soon as you can and you’ll learn from there.

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