Productivity and Longevity: A Timeless Lesson From Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, the famed investor, turned 90 last Sunday. At that age, he still hasn’t retired. He is still the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

Not only does he live long, but also he stays sharp mentally. In fact, one thing he did on his 90th birthday is announcing a new deal that Berkshire just made. Bill Gates mentioned that he has the mental sharpness of a 30-year-old.

To be honest, this is a bit “confusing” from a health perspective because he isn’t known for having a healthy diet. Instead, “he lunches on McDonald’s chicken nuggets at least three times a week and has, since childhood, taken a quarter of his caloric intake in the form of Coca-Cola.” Not exactly a healthy diet, is it?

So what is the secret to his productivity and longevity?

Well, I don’t have a definite answer to that. But I do have a possible explanation. I don’t think it’s the only explanation, but I believe it plays a big role. Here it is:

He enjoys both his work and his friendships.

Some people enjoy their work but not their friendships. Some others enjoy their friendships but not their work. And some others enjoy none of them. But we should enjoy both.

Here are two quotes from Warren Buffett that cover both work and friendships:

“I consider it the most richly compensated job in the history of the world, measured by the amount of fun I’ve had. And it’s been even more fun because I’ve had Charlie to work with.”

“Why do I get up every day and jump out of bed and I’m excited at 88? It’s because I love what I do and love the people I do it with. I’ve got 25 people out here. We go to baseball games together.”

On work, specifically, here is a quote:

The third-richest man in the world, with an estimated worth of $86bn, says he stays at the helm of Berkshire because he wants to keep doing what he has loved since buying his first shares, in an Oklahoma oil company, at age 11… “I’m having a vacation every day.”

And on friendship, this is what Bill Gates – a close friend of his – wrote:

Warren earned a reputation as the “Oracle of Omaha” for his shrewd approach to investing in business. But he’s equally gifted at investing in people… Even though he keeps up a hectic schedule, Warren finds time to nurture friendships like few other people I know… I’ve learned many things from Warren over the last 25 years, but maybe the most important thing is what friendship is all about. It’s about being the kind of friend you wish you had yourself.

These quotes give us a glimpse of how Warren Buffett views his work and friendships. The fact that he enjoys both of them is an important factor for his productivity and longevity.

What about you? Do you enjoy both your work and your friendships? Is there anything that you’d like to improve?

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  1. Dear Warren Buffet Happy Birthday God bless
    Posstive thing and long vision pepole like person always god man my feel every day birthday day

  2. I read some books by Brian Tracy, that 80% of our success stems from the relationships we have with our fellow man. And still 80% of our happiness stems from inside us – our state of mind. The 20% on our success and 20% of our happiness respectively from outside! This is mind blowing. So Mr Wallen Buffet must be a master at all these traits and his game.

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