Note: This is a guest post from Walter Adena of
Making someone happy is a matter of being sensitive to one’s needs. Many pursue the common approach of knowing what the other wants in order to bring them happiness, but the truth however is that we don’t need to know what they want. Instead, we should be observant to the subtleties of their aspirations.
There are ways to know the things that can make someone happy. But the first thing we need to do is to let go our own definition of happiness. Let us always remember that people are different, what makes happiness for one may not be for the other. An effective method to know what can make someone happy is to be sensitive to their concerns. If we truly care about knowing what would constitute happiness to a person it is wise to open our awareness to the things they treasure.
Still, we don’t have to look far to know what brings happiness to a person. More often than not, a simple display of genuine concern is sufficient to brighten someone’s life.
Here are some of the simple yet effective ways of making someone happy:
1. A simple touch of affection
Extending happiness can be as simple as a touch of affection. Have you felt what it’s like to be in the loving arms of the people you love? Don’t you feel happy and assured by the caress of your special someone? I’m sure you do, especially when you are at your most vulnerable. Remember that touch has hidden power, and it’s one of the longing of every person.
2. Be appreciative
If you want to make someone happy you have to learn to appreciate them more. Give credits to the accomplishments one makes””no matter how little””and give importance to the efforts they’ve made. People need to be appreciated one way or another, and by being generously appreciative, you are sure to extend happiness to someone.
3. Extend a helping hand
Helping someone proves to be the most noble form of bringing happiness to someone. Nothing brings much greater delight to a person than finding a helping hand to aid him in his moments of need. All of us need a lending hand once in a while and we feel very happy when someone gives themselves when we needed the most. Be alert for this opportunity if you want give someone a dose of happiness.
4. Make someone smile
Have you ever wondered why having a sense of humor is a plus factor for a person? Being with a person who is jolly, lighthearted and humorous illuminates our spirit. No matter how our day goes, when we’re in the company of a jovial character, it never fails to make us happy. Make an effort of putting a smile on someone’s face and you’ll never be forgotten.
5. Show kindness
It is said that kindness is the universal language of love. By being kind to someone we are expressing our concern for the other. Kindness makes us realize our connection with others; irrespective of any barriers, any show of kindness portrays an act of love. When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude. It makes us happy knowing that someone have made an effort to go out of their way just to extend their grace.
In conclusion, if you want to give the gift of happiness always remember to capitalize on the person’s emotion. Let us put more premiums on appreciating, loving, caring, respecting, and sensitivity to the people whom we want to extend happiness. Stop being deaf and blind to the obvious needs of others, learn to let go of yourself to clearly see the manifestation of someone’s longing, and from there we can figure out the most memorable gift we can give to make someone happy.
Walter Adena is a deep thinking blogger and the author of the website He writes about personal development and life wisdom.
Photo by Yogendra174
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I think just paying attention is enough to make some people happy. Actually listen to what they’re saying, their thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes, and so on. Perhaps surprise them now and then with a sign that you not only listen but are interested enough to remember. For example, my husband replaced my favorite Spock drinking glass, which fell and broke a couple of weeks ago, and I was overjoyed not just that he replaced the glass but that he knew that drinking glass was one of my “little joys.”
You are very right, especially with the 3rd point. Helping other can make them happy. Thanks for the info.
Great post!
There should be more kindness, helping, humour, affection, and appreciation in this world.
However, there also needs to be a lot more taking of responsibility for one’s own happiness. If we are unhappy, no amount of “happiness giving” from someone else will make us happy.
Take responsibility for making yourself happy – you are the only one who can do it!
Live Life Happy!
Yeah Man,Reaaly freat post.\Humour, a bit of laughter,proper thinking,Let us laugh at ourselves and stop being hard on others as well as ourselves.
Great post! I think these are some great principles to live by. It seems that doing what we can to make others happy would have a reciprocal effect in making us feel happy as well. I also like the notion that kindness is contagious. If we model kindness and caring in our relationships, others are sure to follow suite. I have been trying to smile more myself, as I realized that it not only makes me feel better, but people have a hard time approaching someone with a big smile in a negative manner. Our emotions really tend to impact others.
Good words about compassion and kindness. We need a lot more this in the world!
I would add that just as we can’t motivate others, I don’t believe we can make others happy. People make themselves happy or unhappy. For example, we can act kindly towards a person, but how they perceive it and how they react to it is completely under their control. The result may not be happiness at all. And in the context of that person’s life, a lot more than what you do is going on that contributes to personal happiness – or the opposite.
Still, we don’t want to add their problems. We want to weigh in on the positive side. Try to create a joyful moment! If that makes their day, too, all to the good.
Great tips, Donald! Another way to make someone happy is to maintain a happy, positive frame of mind. If a person focus on the positive aspects of his life, it would greatly affect how he deal with others.
Nice straight-forward post. Be kind, happy, appreciative and everyone feels good around you! 🙂
Really nice…! good post…
having a face of smile makes other to fill happy and think happily about you.Just try to make your self a point of encouragement to others in their despair so that in as much as there think about your words of encouragement their mind and their entire organ will fill updated with the fresh breeze of happiness.
thanks1 you helped me on my debate oratory! i’ll let you know if i win!
with all the posts i got to know something new thanks fa every one n have a great day ahead and was awesome posts n blogs