Guest Posting Opportunity for July 2008

We have now been in the last week of June and soon we will enter July. In July, I will accept guest posts here on Life Optimizer. So, if you are a blogger, you may consider participating.

You may notice that recently there are two guest posts here. The first one is How to Boost Your Productivity with Serial Multi-tasking by Mary Jaksch and the second one is 7 Can’t-Miss Ways to Defeat the Procrastination Habit by Arjun Muralidharan. I love these posts and I think guest posting is a good idea. It gives the readers fresh perspectives that can enrich them. So here I publicly announce the guest posting opportunity to all of you.

Here are two reasons why you may want to write guest posts:

  1. You will help people through your writing
    This is always a good thing. While you already help people through your blog, by writing here you can help even more people since you reach a new audience.
  2. You will get exposure for your work
    There are about 4500 subscribers here who will see your guest posts. Since your guest posts include links to your work (such as your blog), it means your work will get exposure to thousands of people. This is not to mention potentially thousand others who come to your posts through social media sites or search engines.

Of course, there are some guidelines for the post. The post must be:

  1. Original
    It can’t be a post that has been posted on your own blog or anywhere else before.
  2. At least 600 words long
    This is for the content part, not counting the title and byline.
  3. At most 50 words byline
    You may include links to your work here. Please put the byline at the end of the post. I will write my introduction at the beginning.
  4. No affiliate links
  5. Match the monthly theme
    Exceptions can be made, but I strongly prefer posts that match the monthly theme. As you can see, the two guest posts in May match the monthly theme of Productivity. The monthly theme for July will be Happiness. I think this is a theme that can relate to everybody.

I reserve the right to edit the posts as needed (for example, to fix spelling or grammar errors) and to reject posts that I feel are not appropriate for this web site.

Feel free to tell me about your idea before you start writing. I don’t want to waste your time.

There are four slots available in July. Please send your submissions or ideas to donald (at)


  1. Hi Donald, I just found your site through SU – love what you wrote on your about page re: every person having huge potential within them…I feel the same way and it’s a great motivator for me.

    I’ll shoot you and email about guest posting, that would be awesome, thanks!

  2. […] There were also two guest posts published (I feature them below). These guest posts inspired me to call for guest posters so that we can have regular guest posting this […]

  3. Greetings I’m new here
    And it looks like a interesting forum, so just wanted to say hello! :):):)
    And looking forward to participating.
    Going on vacation for a few days, so i’ll be back

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